Sunday, June 19, 2011


No news on the job front, though I did have an interview on Friday for phone sales at a wholesale "head shop" stuff place.

RIP Clarence Clemons

Chuck went back to Eagar yesterday but I haven't heard what condition his place is in. I expect it's covered in ash and nastiness but at least it isn't burned down. The fire was stopped 1/4 mile away so you know stuff was blowing over.

I woke up at 6.30 this am. It's now 8am and has gotten steadily darker and is raining with thunder rumbling in the distance. Unusual pattern as it's normally late afternoon thunderstorm. I may go back to bed soon to enjoy this great sleeping weather.

My friend Phyllis (from my first workamping job in PA 2008) called yesterday to say she'd quit the campground, sold her Class A, and moved home. Seems that the owners have put the place up for sale and are being a little crazed in their management. So Phyllis decided she didn't have to put up with that shit anymore, and that 13 seasons was enough.

Here at Amy's, there's a nice basement so I've unloaded the toolboxes and other stuff from the storage bin on the back. Makes driving the rig feel really light and even a little squirrely.


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