Saturday, August 6, 2011

Book Reviews . . . Not

In July I read about 27 books and re-read a few from my permanent library. That's about one a day. I can barely keep up with updating my Goodreads list and don't always put any comment on a book. Besides, I'm a rotten reviewer -- got all that critical mumbo-jumbo out of my system as an English Lit major in college.

Now, I give it a 1-5 stars rating and mostly let it go at that. If pressed, I can talk plot, themes, characterizations, world-building, yadda-yadda, but that's all mostly under the surface. So it's mostly Good, Really Good, Not Good, Terrible.

You can always join Goodreads and check out my lists there, if you're really interested.

Okay, I'm currently reading The Bird of the River by Kage Baker (and enjoying it). I started it this morning and I'm on page 119 of 268, so I'll be finished in a couple of hours and starting another book. Just so's you know.

1 comment:

Barb said...

When I was a young housewife I'd read a book a day, too. I read so much, I'd forget what I'd read. I got them all at the library. Now most of my reading time is spent reading things on the Internet, but I still love books. I'm going to check out your list, and see what looks interesting. Thanks! :)