Monday, September 19, 2011

Livorno Reunion is Over

Yah! Actually, it wasn't as bad as I had feared it would be. I got out to the Quality Inn on Long Shoals Rd at 2pm on Thursday. I understood that Karel and Butch and I would go to Sam's Club and get snacks and drinks. However, they didn't show up until about 5pm, having been out being tourists. Fortunately, Richard Callihan showed up, having ridden his Honda motorcycle here from Phoenix AZ in 3 days.

A few people tricked in on Thursday. Eventually Karen and Butch got back with some snacks etc which I got to set out on the tables. Carolyn Jones and her husband showed up. He's a Wilmington NC native and that's where they live now. Franklyn and his wife live in Calabash NC. Pete Cumbie and wife live in Troy SC. So there's quite a few in the area. Pat Spencer came from Jackson Mississippi. Derwood Biles and wife live in Arkansas. John Sager and wife came from Portland OR. Pat Spencer, Pat Bowles (Bowman), Derwood and Kathleen Biles, Richard Callihan, and I went over to Biltmore Park to the restaurant 131 Main for dinner. It was all excellent, though pricy.

We wound up with about 37-38 people, a few short of our tally. Peter Hobiger has a last-minute medical emergency. Barbara Beekler(?) was about to get on the plane when her oxygen apparatus failed. And there two others who canceled at the last minute.

Most of the group showed up on Friday and a lot of them went to the Biltmore House. I had strongly suggested they go on Friday instead of Saturday because of traffic and people. Those who went loved it. Pat, Carolyn, and I went on the Parkway to the Folk Art Center and then bopped down and had lunch at the East Village Grille in Oteen. Came back on I-240 so they could see downtown. Friday evening we ordered in pizzas and salad from Angelo's.

Saturday most everybody went out exploring until 4pm when we had our "business" meeting and the 50th Anniversary cake for the Class of 1961 (my class). I got the cake from West End Bakery and it was a big hit. At 6:30 we met in the lobby and were shuttled over to the Hilton Hotel in Biltmore Park (across Long Shoals) for our banquet. We had a lovely room with a buffet and cash bar. Very professional staff. Very good food. Everybody was impressed with the quality of the food. Shuttled or walked or drove back by 9pm (we're all getting older, you know). Hung out in the Hospitality Room and then wandered off to bed.

Lots of people left early Sunday morning (by 9am or so) as they were on their way somewhere else, some to Gatlinburg, some to D.C., some to Raleigh, etc. Richard left about 3am on his way back to Phoenix and hoped to make Okla. City by evening and Phoenix the next day. Better him than me. A few people (about 8) weren't leaving until Monday so they'd go to dinner and hang out. The hospitality room would be closed at 8pm and all leftovers got distributed among us. I had brought my rig (to sleep in) so I fired it up about 3pm, stowed the goodies I was taking, and trundled down Brevard Road to home.

I still have the leak somewhere under the kitchen sink so I don't have a water hookup, just my gallon jugs. As soon as my money gets here, I'll get that fixed. But I'm glad to be back in Amy's backyard with electricity and TV. I did take my computer into the hotel and use their wifi but it's nice to have it available and be comfortable at the same time. I ache from sitting in upright chairs for days.

I have invites from New England people and Nebraska people and Portland people and some others to stay at their places whenever I'm in the area. All in all, I had a much better time than I expected to. Now it's back to the job search.

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