Monday, March 26, 2012

New Job

Will soon be an old job. It's just not working for me. I've spent the last 5-6 weeks trying to make sense of their setup without much help from any of them. I've discovered that I don't like working totally remotely, especially when I'm trying to learn something. I much prefer being at the workplace so I can have someone available to answer questions. All the formal training I've had on this job has totaled about 10 hours. When you're talking about a company with two locations, two bank accounts, 4-5 credit cards, etc., there's lots of bit and pieces that aren't obvious.

I know at least two people who want me to help set up the bookkeeping for their small businesses, which will be a whole lot more fun. So I'm going to get in touch with Ben tomorrow and tell him sorry, I'm not doing a good job for them, and I quit.

What I have learned is that there are some things I can do remotely (like proofreading) and some I can't (like bookkeeping). Good to know.

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