Sunday, July 22, 2012

More Waiting

I did eventually get an email about the concierge job -- "thanks but we chose someone else."

Now I'm waiting to hear about another job. I interviewed with Gray Line Tours (the sightseeing trolleys) for a part-time admin/bookkeeper. It's housing at the Chamber of Commerce so is not far away. I think I'd like it a lot as it would be a job-share with the current admin person, so could probably pack it in to 2-3 days and then be off (as opposed to half-days every day). Also, there'd be some retail ticket selling, etc. which I wouldn't mind either. They seemed to like me and said it would be a few days before they decided. That was last Monday.

And --- I have to replace my windshield. It's got a foot-long crack in it, too long to repair. As soon as my money gets here next week, I'll get that done. It's always something, and it's always a chunk of change. Sigh.

Have certainly been enjoying the rain and thunder boomers, though Mamie the dog gets very nervous and will climb in your lap if  you let her. As she's a Labrador, this means you are covered in dog.

1 comment:

Linda and Linda said...

The new job prospect sounds like it would be a perfect fit for you. Will keep our fingers crossed for you.