Sunday, October 13, 2013

Going to MARRS

This Wednesday I start as a volunteer with MARRS, the Mountain Area Radio Readers Service. Anyone who has trouble reading print can sign up to get a special radio over which they will receive the signal.

Different days have different focuses. I'll be reading news from 11.30 to 12.30, with another reader. We'll read everything, good bad and indifferent, no editorializing. We're not choosing what to like for our subscribers, just reading so they can keep up with news. Most of the papers seem to be local ones, Asheville, Black Mountain, Hendersonville, etc. If time permits, some national or international news will be read.

I like to read aloud so I think this will be a good fit. We'll see.

1 comment:

Linda said...

That sounds really neat...good luck with it.