Sunday, November 3, 2013

Radical Red

the Riding Hood was my costume at last night's Halloween party. I was complete with a long hooded red robe, unzipped so it would billow when I strode along; black clothes, including boots; a willow basket stuffed with real skulls and a newly dead (stuffed) animal resembling a wolf (actually a fox); and brandishing a humongous ornate broadsword.

The outdoor party had two firepits and lots of folk in fabulous costumes. Amy went as a mummy, Mateo was a blood-spattered medical person, and Tillman was his usual 30's gangster type. Ed's costume was Daisy Duke -- I said, where are the short shorts? -- too cold, she said.

One guy saw me coming and spun some fancy colored lights at me -- "it may not stop you but it'll slow you down!"

Had gone to play cards earlier at Hazel & John's. Mary Jo was there as was Ernie. She stomped us all with only 40 points going into the final hand. No Blair. Then off to the party.

A fun evening.

1 comment:

Diana said...

Hey...! Where are the pictures? I want to see!!!