Thursday, April 3, 2014

Latest Doings

We closed on the property on 28 Feb. Then I had to get insurance on everything and wound up with Farm Bureau. Seems that NC insurers don't want to insure mobile homes but there's a risk pool, which I got. It's all very complicated.

I'm still having trouble getting the title on the mobile home transferred to my and my brother's names. First, there was an "adjustment" on the original title, which everybody had signed and it was notarized. The DMV voided it because of that adjustment. They gave me a new form to fill and said I had to have my brother's power of attorney so I could sign for him.

I sent him the form, which he filled out, got notarized, and sent back. It seems that in Calif. notaries fill out a separate sheet and attach it to the form they're notarizing instead of signing the form itself. Lots of officials here seem to know that but some don't. Also, on the PofA she wrote in "California" instead of the county, so she crossed that out, initialed it, and wrote the county name above it.

So today, for the third time, I stood in in line at the DMV (I was #20) and finally got to a person, who promptly told me that there couldn't be any alterations on a form so the crossout and write-in the notary did weren't acceptable. And on the title form itself one digit in the VIN I had written as an "I" when it should have been a "1" and that wasn't acceptable either.

So they gave me a set of new forms and told me to start over. I am enraged. I snatched the papers out of her hand and stormed out, fortunately without shouting in her face "jesus h fucking christ, lady!!!"

Tomorrow I'm going to Marshall, a small town north of here, and try them to see if these very minor errors can be overlooked. I've made the I's look line 1's so we'll see. I believe in striving for perfection but I also know that almost nobody can make it. There needs to be some compromise.

On the upside, a new driveway is scheduled to be constructed on the property starting on the 10th, which will make access and parking much easier.


Oh yeah, I have a tenant who's put rent money down on the MH but doesn't seem to know when he'll actually move in. Being a landlady is hard.

1 comment:

Linda and Linda said...

Wow, what an ordeal. Good thing "B" wasn't with you. She would have said the things you had wanted to say or pummeled that clerk. LOL Some people are so damn picky. Would be interested to know what kind of cost there is to doing your driveway. It will be something we'll have to do at mom's so curious as to cost for what length and for what type of surface. You can e-mail me if that works for you. Hugs to you...sounds like things are coming along nicely.