Saturday, June 6, 2015

Power in Shed

I have power! That is, the shed has acquired its meter and receptacles and it has power. And the City has done its last inspection. Yay!

Now all I need to do is get some kind of flooring in the shed and I'll be ready to move all my stuff in. So sometime around my birthday in late July, I should be able to sit down, look around, and feel at home.

Then I'll start advertising the RV, even though it's late in the season. Would have been nice for this process to go faster so I could have sold it in March or April. Ah well. I'm willing to negotiate on its price but I do have a bottom line, so it may be next spring before it gets sold.

At the moment, the mobile home is getting new flooring in both bedrooms and the living room, using stick-down vinyl. Much nicer than the nasty carpet which was stained here and there and which the former tenant's dog had scratched up in the small bedrom, down to the OSB subfloor. My new tenants move in next Thursday.

And I've acquired an all-around maintenance guy. His next job is to wash the outside of the mobile home, which is going green what with all the rain and humidity and explosive growth everywhere.

All this stuff going on at once is exhausting but there is an end in sight.

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