Sunday, January 10, 2016

RIPs etc

I know, I know. Sluggish activity here. No new pictures. It is on my mind, however, and one day you'll get a nice surprise. Just don't hold your breath.

RIP Florence King, writer.
One day a while back, I was in the Atlanta airport on layover, browsing the books. I found "Southern Ladies and Gentlemen" by Miss King, of whom I had never heard. I began reading it on the plane back to LA and was soon laughing hysterically. The entire plane turned around to look at me, but I couldn't stop. Ever so often, I'd put the book down to allow me and the rest of the plane time to recover. I've read most of her books and, while I don't agree with everything she says, she makes me laugh anyhow. She was 80.

RIP Meadowlark Lemon, athlete
He was the clown prince in the classic Harlem Globetrotters. I got to see him live once when the team was on tour and he manifested such joy in his play, both basketball and pranks. He was from Wilmington NC, my hometown.

My brother has sailed as far as Puerto Vallarto Mexico and is planning to sail on from there soon. In 30 days, he'll make the long passage to the Marquesa Islands. Wishing him and his crew well.

Happy New Year to all.

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