Friday, November 30, 2007

Memorial Week

Wednesday we had the memorial mass for my mother. My brother had flown in from California. Both nonbelievers, we dressed appropriately and played our parts in the mass with reverence in memory of our mother, a devout Catholic. Fortunately, the priest was a jolly Irish Catholic type, who had no problem saying "damn" or "shit" (not during the mass).

That evening, we held a sort-of wake, with close friends of his and mine, with finger food and champagne. We toasted Mom and our sadness at losing her. By the end of the day, I was exhausted, physically and emotionally. Went to bed early and slept like a stone (which are always asleep, right?).

On top of all these events and planning etc, I was told that I would going to be laid off from my part-time job. It's only five months before I'm going off in my RV, but I've got to find something for that time as I can't afford to live on just my pension. Not to mention that I won't have any extra money for fixing up the RV, either. Aaarrrgh.

I'm thinking "lemons, lemonade" but it's not helping right now.


Sharon Kugler said...

I'm so sorry for your loss; please accept my sympathy.

Anonymous said...

Please accept my sympathies as well. I can relate to what you have been going through. At present I am caring for my mother who just turned 91, and we also are Catholic. It can become difficult at times. At least you have an RV. I too am so looking forward to getting out and meeting the RVW.