Saturday, May 26, 2012

Nice evening

Served as chauffeur for Amy and Tillman to go to a beer tasting at the Wedge today. Dropped them off and retrieved them a few hours later.

Took Amy, Bruce, and Tillman to Tracy's for her birthday party. Then I went on to Hazel & John's to play cards (I won for the night--yay!) and then back to Tracy's. She has a great big backyard, so there was a fire in one area, dancing in another, and a water slide in another. Laced muffins were offered. Well-behaved dogs puttered around. Food in the house, beer outside. People milling around.

Very pleasant.

My RV friends Linda & Linda both had Lasik surgery yesterday in Denver. Both seemed to have come through it well and are not glass-less. Hooray for them.

I've been loaned the dvd of the "Romeo & Juliet" with DiCaprio, Danes, etc. Will probably give it a watch tomorrow. I've been told the framing is rival gangs in present day, and John Leguizamo is a hoot.

Ant wars are being waged here at the RV homestead. Granules have been sprinkled; next up is the liquid spray. I'd really like not having ants run in and out of my computer, and would like to put a glass of tea down for five minutes without it being overrun.

Sunday, May 20, 2012


Okay, I remembered some more who'll be missed:

Maurice Sendak
Carroll Shelby (vrooom)
George "Goober" Lindsey

and of course, word just in that Robin Gibb has died.


Will be watching the annular eclipse start in about an hour from the SLOOH Space Camera. Looking forward to it.

Speaking of nits, why do so many people use "forward" when they mean the "foreword" to a book. You know, "fore" meaning coming before, and "word," to therefore mean the thing that comes before the words, i.e. the text. Do they just not know of the word "foreword"? Aaargh.

I got all exercised on FB the other day when a friend posted somebody else's schmaltzy poster about widows/orphans/etc. Never mind the sentiment; the OP used "that" half the time when speaking of a person; said all people whose partner had died were "widows"; and kids who lost one parent were "orphans." None of these things is correct. Double aargh.

RIP Donna Summers, Carlos Fuentes, and somebody else whose name I've forgotten (heh).

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Two negs

First: didn't get the Wells Fargo teller job. Probably for the best. The more I thought about it, the less I thought I'd like it.

Second: Google has "redesigned" the blog page and now, of course, it's difficult to find anything. Instead of having the button that says "New Post" I had to hunt around and find a pencil icon that is the new post button. Oh yes, much more elegant. /sarcasm.