Sunday, May 20, 2012


Will be watching the annular eclipse start in about an hour from the SLOOH Space Camera. Looking forward to it.

Speaking of nits, why do so many people use "forward" when they mean the "foreword" to a book. You know, "fore" meaning coming before, and "word," to therefore mean the thing that comes before the words, i.e. the text. Do they just not know of the word "foreword"? Aaargh.

I got all exercised on FB the other day when a friend posted somebody else's schmaltzy poster about widows/orphans/etc. Never mind the sentiment; the OP used "that" half the time when speaking of a person; said all people whose partner had died were "widows"; and kids who lost one parent were "orphans." None of these things is correct. Double aargh.

RIP Donna Summers, Carlos Fuentes, and somebody else whose name I've forgotten (heh).

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