Saturday, September 1, 2012


There's a new Chinese martial arts film with Jet Li, Flying Swords of Dragon Gate, directed by Tsui Hark. It's one of those period movies (like Crouching Tiger) that gorgeous, violent, and fantastical. It's just out yesterday but only on Imax, so it' not here yet.

Also, I just remembered one of my favorite movies but couldn't remember the name so I went off to imdb and finally chanced on it. It's Bagdad Cafe, a charming tale of a German tourist who is stranded at a cafe/motel in the middle of nowhere out west. It's a rundown place struggling to survive, owned by CCH Pounder. The tourist is played by M. Sagebrecht, a fabulous German actress, who sets in to transform everyone's lives. Jack Palance is in it, too.  It's charming and just draws you in, subtly and quietly.

No news yet about the museum job.

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