Thursday, July 31, 2014


So another year has rolled around on my personal calendar. Unless we get rained out on Sunday, we're going to get a bunch together and go play miniature golf. This ought to be a hoot and a half, though one of us grew up on a putt-putt course, but the rest of us are normal folk and haven't played in years.

I'm still planning on getting out of the RV and into a structure of some kind. I actually have plans on how to do it.

Sundry celebrity folk have died who were of passing interest to me but not enough to merit a blog post.

My brother is two weeks away from starting his deep-sea sailing career. He says he may never come back. That's okay. Survival is what counts.

I appreciate all the people in my life, the ones right here in Asheville and the ones whose blogs I follow. Thanks, all.

Freya the husky is blowing out her coat again so tufts of downy whiteness are everywhere. She gets combed every day now and each day there's enough to make a new dog. Good bird nest material. She's such a great dog.

I just finished a job of work, proofing and copy-editing an 80-page mss. of what the author calls "prose poems." Whatever. I love doing this kind of work, and we did all over the computer and have never met. Cool.

So, life's rocking along and will continue to do so for some years, one hopes.

1 comment:

Linda said...

Tell us more about your proofing cool and your brother's sailing thing. I must have missed a post where you talked about each of these topics ?