Friday, August 10, 2007

Hot hot Dance dance

It's over 90 here. 90! Days on end! Whimper. At least it's cool enough at night to sleep.

So I'm embarking on a new sweat-making enterprise. There's a fabulous ballroom center that also gives lessons for a reasonable price. I'm going later today for a "placement" dancing interview, and then in Sept. I'll sign up for a course. There are dance parties every week, too, so I'll be going to them. Dancing is one of the best whole-body exercises, and it's exhilarating. I haven't done any partner dancing for many years so we'll see how much muscle memory is left. I have to go buy a pair of shoes with leather soles, though, as rubber soles aren't good for dancing.

I'm trying to persuade my friend to come along. She says, But I have two left feet and no rhythm. Nonsense, say I, dancing and walking are both moving your feet in rhythm so if you can walk you can dance. Your problem isn't physical; you're just self-conscious. Once you learn the steps, the body will remember and you can stop thinking. Voila, no more self-consciousness. We'll see how well I persuaded her.



Sharon Kugler said...

Greetings! I found your blog is the only other one listing "movable books" as an interest (surprised!) I'm a collector only, with about 300; 80% are 1980 pub. or later, but I'm especially interested in Julian Wehr titles, if you have any to sell. Please keep me in mind if you send out a list. My own blog is nothing to write home about, being new as is yours.
Best of luck with your transition, and a happy belated birthday!

imMovable Book Lady said...

Hey Sharon,
Thanks for the bday wish. I appreciate it. And how cool that we're both into movable books. Of course, you're interested in Julian Wehr; nothing like picking the most expensive stuff out there. I don't have any for sale, but I am selling my collection of about 800 titles. If you want, I'll email you the excel spreadsheet. I'm offering the list to the Movable Book Society members first, at a 30% discount. Do you know about this group? You should join.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.