Saturday, August 9, 2008

Stocking Up

Took myself off to Greensburg yesterday. Had no problems knowing which way to turn etc. Think I've got this figured out now. Anyhow, I went crazy at B&N. I was down to two unread books (obviously not counting the permanent library I carry around) and was beginning to get a little twitchy. I had some authors from a Locus article and some that I've tried out and was willing to try again. So, two full shopping bag and a few hundreds of dollars later, I felt much better. Shouldn't have to stock up again before I leave.

Speaking of which, I only have about five more weeks here. Planning to leave around 14 Sept. If all goes well, I'll visit the Wright homes on my way southerly.

Laffoon Chiropractor is on the way to Gburg. He's probably heard all the jokes already.

On one side of me is a 5th wheel seasonal. The family name is Gogo.

On the way back from Gburg, I saw a Classic American Diner (un-huh) and was hungry, so pulled in and ate. It, of course, is not a true diner but a building with a diner front on it and some attempt to make it look diner-ish inside. Anyhow, I had meatloaf with onions and mushrooms, and coleslaw on the side. It was very American and not too bad.

I was pulling out of the parking lot onto the road I'd used to get in, when this big brassy woman yelled at me YOU CAN'T DO THAT, IT'S ONE WAY. Now, she'd stood in the diner parking lot and watched me get in my rig and pull out but waited until I was actually on the road before telling me. So I have to inch my way back down the road, with cars coming at me, until I can make the turn back into the lot which goes across to the road I can turn onto.

Other than that, it was a successful day. I grocery shopped, too. Did forget my list and so forgot to get a few things, but no biggies. Got home here, backed into my space easily, got all hooked up (with the usual seventeen tries to get the tv cable screwed in).

Promptly took a nap.

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