Friday, June 12, 2009


I'm by no means any kind of gardener, but today I was given the job of "fixing" a huge rhododendron bush right by the front door to the store. There were lots of dead flowers on the ground and a lot more hanging around on the bush. So I snipped and shook and plucked. At some points, it was hard to see me as I was pushed into the middle of the bush, trying to reach the dead stuff in the center. Then I got to crawl around on the ground to pick up all the dead stuff.

It looks really nice, if I do say so myself. The hope is to get new blooms. We'll see.


Diana said...

Hey, where's the picture of this event?? I want to see how it compares to my mental picture!

imMovable Book Lady said...

LOL. I'll just bet you do.

Anonymous said...

you are learning all sorts of new skills yeah!