Wednesday, June 10, 2009

General Update

The body is having a hard time coping with the humidity. Both knees are slightly swollen, and I usually wake up with aching joints. Aspirin helps, though. Right now, I'm only working about 20 hrs a week, but will go up to 26+ on the 21st. So, coping is in order.

I'm loving my new "pantry" in the bathroom, and the hanging clothes in the closet. Now all I have to do is rehang the closet (was pantry) door.

And I've uploaded a new piccture of me to the blog. Deborah took from her balcony in SF, looking down on me and Orlando. Huh, I said, that's not too bad, so I zoomed in and it's now my official image.

Have gotten into Goodreads and am putting all my read/to-read stuff on there, so I won't be posting books read on the blog. I tried to upload the list of everything I've read so far in 09 and Goodreads accepted half and declined half. Took some titles by an author and wouldn't take other titles by the same author. Makes no sense.

I took a walk around the redwood forest part of the campground, so here's a few pics for you.


Anonymous said...

New picture is HOT!

imMovable Book Lady said...

Well, yes, of course.

Lila Wells said...

I started following your blog when I discovered you're from Asheville. We've never met but I write Occasionally you ask for pointers for your blog and today I thought I'd give you my two cents worth. I love your photos but think you should put them in at the large size, as they are definitely worth seeing and worth seeing BIGGER.

imMovable Book Lady said...

Hey Lila, I remember you (and check you blog occasionally). Thanks for the kind words about my photos. If you click on a photo, it will come up as a full-screen size so you can see them BIGGER. Enjoy!

Anonymous said...

In the early 70's I was visiting The Coast Gallery along the Pacific Coast Highway in CA between San Simeon and Carmel. A local artist couple had taken a large redwood root like the one in you photo, stripped away all the debris and raged root pieces, sanded what remained and polished the kit and kaboodle into the most amazing piece of sculpture you can imagine. Thanks for the memory.
