Monday, July 21, 2008

General Update

Web connection is good today so I'm taking advantage. Just worked four BUSY days. The kamp ws fuller than it was on the holiday weekend. This means hordes of folk coming and going in the store, checking in, checking out, phone ringing and ringing. Hot dry weather finally broke yesterday with a nice rain (hooray).

Have followed an RV tech's advice to tighten the bolts holding the AC to the roof (this is done from the inside). The rain yesterday wasn't enough to see whether that's going to do it.

Am having a tug-of-war with the couch. Haven't been able to get it to fold out lately, which means I've been sleeping on a 20-inch wide shelf (very carefully). It's just much easier to get around in here when the sofa's closed. It actually seems spacious (relatively).

Connection is lost at the moment, so we'll see what happens when I go to save this.

Have finally started playing some music on my boombox. No music anywhere in the kamp. Have played Django Reinhardt, Dakota Staton, Jimmy Smith (jazz organ), Vincente Amigo (flamenco), other blues and jazz. The ankle is well enough for me to attempt a couple of small shufffling dance steps in my little space. In my pjs, too. Amusing myself isn't hard.

Hefty girl with shaved head, studs and tattoos looking for pencil sharpener and pencils to buy so she could do her crosswords.

Boy about 12 rushes in with desperate look, saying I have to find a bathroom. Direct him. Mother rushes in two minutes later, calling out to him, Did you find it in time? Do you need clean underwear? Probably embarrassed him mightily.

Little boy about 5 with bulldozer in hand explains the intricacies of heavy earth-moving equipment to me.

Next weekend there's some sort of huge meeting/races of black bikers (motorcycles) near Pittsburgh. Coworker says, I hope the klan stays home. We'lll have some of the bikers staying here.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sounds like you're having fun?
Bele Chere here this weekend, ughhhhhhhhhh
otherwise things are going right along in typical summer fashion