Thursday, July 17, 2008

Night-time Foray

Forget to mention the expedition out one night. Suzy, who works here, is a local and said she'd take me and JR out to a bar to see one of her favorite bands. So last Friday, after I worked till 10pm, we went off to Rodney's, a lounge/restaurant/bar place. There was an $8 cover, which outraged JR. Hot as hell in there, too. Large band (7 or 8 guys) on stage, playing mostly oldies from the 70s and 80s and 90s. Lead singer plays fiddle fairly well. Suzy said he was better in the previous band.

Most surprising is that groupies were standing all over the dance floor. No-one was dancing, which was annoying as both JR and I like to dance. Humph!

After a while we hung out in the bar area and had a drink. Suzy met up with the lighting guy for the band, a friend of hers. JR and I left after about an hour. He then wanted to go to the Hotel George in Yukon, which is his local bar, and get some beer to take home. This is your basic local bar, 5 people there, dusty trophy heads on the wall, and shelf after shelf of pool trophies. Seems the owner guy is (or was) quite a player and there's a regular table in the back somewhere. It was kind of a warren. Anyhow, we spent about an hour there and I got a slice of pizza, having had no dinner. I dont' drink beer so I had ginger ale (and nobody snickered, not that I would care if they did). We got back to the camp about 1am. So endeth the night of wild dissipation.

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