Thursday, July 17, 2008

Torque that nut

The local guy who was going to fix my air conditioning leak took my $20 for the part and never showed up to fix the ac. I understand he's by way of being a part-time drunk. Anyhow, I called a guy who's got a business fixing RVs and told him my problem. He said to try this first, before he comes out: Take off the inside cover of the AC and tighten the corner nuts; they often get loose over time and keep the gasket from being properly squished (a technical term). So I've done that, using full-body torque. We'll now see whether the leakage/seepage continues. All but one light on the "bad" circuit are now lighting again, so I think interior moisture has dried up. Also the computer battery is back up to 99%, after slowly drifting down to 94% over the last week or so.

Other than all that, I was loaned a car on Tuesday and went shopping. I found another used bookstore, Buy the Book, in Norwin. It's both new and used, no trade on new books, 4 pbs for one. I b rought in brandnew pbs and would have to give her 4 of them to get 2 for me. I thought not, so I still have them. Also went to Target looking for shorts, which I didn't find. Then went crazy in the grocery store, having been disappointed elsewhere.

Same old same old.

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