Monday, January 10, 2011

Unfoggy Day

We finally got a break in the fog so I dashed out to get some pics.

This thing (sculpture? viewing structure?) is at the far end of the riverwalk. You can see benches built in, and you can walk around and through. And there are guy wires above, perhaps to indicate a kinship with sailing? Not a place I would choose to sit and look, mostly because only one bench gives a view of the river. Odd.

This is a partial view of the public marina (you can see the white sculpture thingy in the center distance), but it gives a view of the area.

And this is an inlet at the western end of the marina looking across to the Dow Wetland Preserve. Pretty.

So now it's 6.30am and I opened the curtain to see . . . fog. Totally socked in again, and it got cold enough last night (because of no fog/clouds) to freeze the water, so no water until it warms up again. Supposed to be mid-50s today.

Went to a thrift shop yesterday and got a suit so I can go on interviews at spiffier places. That's assuming I ever get called for an interview. So far, nada.

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