Thursday, November 4, 2010

Little Projects

Several things got done today. New screen in the bathroom vent. Shoe bag screwed to the closet door. Water hose and pump wrapped in blankets and foam to prevent freezing (it's in the low 30s at night). And I have a new emergency brake cable (very reassuring).

We're working up to doing the roof vent reputtying and roof sealing.

Also, Chuck thinks he's got some coax cable around somewhere and may be able to run a line from his cable tv so I can have tv at the rig. We're also thinking about putting in some more fluorescent fixtures. If we can put one in over the kitchen sink and over the stove, we'll take out the monster range hood! Yay!

Still need to figure out how to repair the stove cover. And put new screening in the screen door. And maybe put in a new faucet in the kitchen sink, a bar-type that arches high so you can actually get a pot in the sink easily.

No hurry as I've decided to stay here through Thanksgiving. Chuck had no plans so I decided to stay. His cataract surgery is coming up soon, too.

More later.


Anonymous said...

Ooooohhh cable. How cool is that?


Anonymous said...

update please. projects read & noted!!!!!!!!!