Saturday, June 14, 2008


Not too much happening lately. Really busy yesterday, what with all the Father's Day weekenders arriving, along with a few walk-ins (that is, they drive into the campground in their RV and then walk into the Lodge to register). By 10pm quitting time, my ankle was twice as big as it had been at the start of my shift.

A young man (about 16) asked me for gift ideas for his dad (real last-minute gift). The dad is a professional caterer so he certainly doesn't need cooking utensils. I said I have a cool book I'd sell him, a camping cookbook written by professional chefs. Two birds, one stone. And I'm still a bookseller. Yah!

Too bad I never got to grow up with a father or father figure of any kind. My own father died when I was three and mom never remarried. There was my grandfather in the house, the alcoholic (living with my grandmother would do that), but it wasn't the same -- he didn't want kids or to be a father. Ah well, just one of those life experiences I'll never have. And if I had had a dad (hah, poetry!), I wouldn't be the person I am now.

As to fantasies, I've been doing a lot of thinking about what to say, what not to say, how much to say. The decision is that I just can't talk about my personal fantasies on a public blog. Talking about them face to face one-on-one is one thing, but discussing them on a public forum is another. Can't do it. It's not everybody's business. Sorry. The best I'll be able to do is an oblique reference occasionally in the midst of talking about something else.


Anonymous said...

what happened to the ankle getting BETTER?
Mp Dad here either

imMovable Book Lady said...

Hey B,
Well, the ankle is getting better incrementally. So it looks pretty good at the start of a shift but swells during the day.
What is Mp Dad? Is that "no" mistyped?