Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Minor Foray

Unhooked everything today, after putting most things away so chaos wouldn't result while driving. Naturally, forgot a few things (like turning the fridge off). Had planned to do a few errands and then do some wandering. First thing, got hairs cut. Went to Wal-Mart for a few things. Did you know there's only one check-out for tobacco products? Went to Goodwill land dropped off a few things I no longer needed. Food shopped at Giant Eagle. These stores vary widely -- one will be very upscale with lots of organic and ethnic food; the next will be no better than a discount grocery, and that's what I got today. Not too happy.

Then I thought I'd like to take myself out to eat, have a steak and a glass of wine. Went into a Ponderosa Steakhouse. Turns out to be a chain, no alcohol, buffet practically mandatory. Said never mind and left. Tried another area which had been touted as a restaurant area. Much construction, large trucks, hot, sweaty. The hell with it. Came back to camp. Fixed myself a plate of turkey, pickled beets, hard-boiled egg, and fresh pineapple.

Did get a couple of deep-V neck stretch t-shirts, one in fuschia and one in black. Look pretty good. Much more fitted than I usually do. I seem to be in a state of change in several areas. Not sure where it's all going or where it'll all wind up but it's interesting so far. In some respects, the death of my mother has freed me from wanting to avoid things just to avoid the hassle of dealing with her. So, I may be becoming a different person, or at least different parts of me are coming to the fore.



Anonymous said...

I love how you can drop a little Lewis Carrol while talking about poo leakage! It sounds like freedom is having her dirty little way with you. Post some pictures...I want to see some fitted t-shirt, wobbly, pineapple eatin' Lindig...

jason h

imMovable Book Lady said...

Hey Jason!
Well, Lewis Carroll belong everywhere, don't you think? And, yes, freedom is a-coming in! You think I'm gonna do pics of that? You outta your mind. You'll just have to wait for the full glory in the flesh. How's school?

Anonymous said...

School is quickly coming to an end...for this phase. One more full semester in the fall and then one class in the spring. I have traded in my internship at the Chamber of Commerce for one at the Citizen-Times. So far, so good. I never got to see your rig, how about some pictures of that?