Tuesday, May 5, 2009

SoCal Update

It turned out that the San Onofre State Beach wasn't open yet for the season. By the time we discovered this, it was about 9pm and we were all exhausted. So we spent Sat. night in a Walmart parking lot (first experience for H & D). Then we trundled off to San Clemente State Beach to just park in the day lot, have breakfast, and look at the ocean (way down below the bluff we were on). It was so nice that we decided to grab a spot in the campground. They gave us a spot with a great view of the cliffs and ocean and we were settled in by noon. Spent a relaxing afternoon.

Mon about noon we left there and H was determined to have lunch down on the pier, so he maneuvered us down through town to the beach. There's one restaurant at the head of the pier where he and I had seafood brochettes. D is deathly allergic to shellfish so she walked out to the end of the pier and watched the surfers.

Arrived back in Tustin at Jon & Jennifer's (he's D's brother) and began the unloading and sorting process, including washing clothes. It's now Tues am and I'm almost ready to hit the road on the trek to the Bay Area. Finally got the pics transferred to the computer and will make a selection soon and post them for all to see.


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