Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Heading North

Fought my way through LA, I-10 west to the 405 N to the 101 N. Left the apartment at 10am and it was after noon before I saw any open land and the freeway narrowed down to two lanes. About 3pm I was in Santa Maria, just south of San Luis Obispo, and saw a "campers" sign. Followed it and found the only public RV park in town. Turns out there is parking at the Elks Lodge but didn't find that out till too late.

I'm in the Santa Maria Pines Camp. Seems there are new owners who are trying to upgrade the park and, I think, get rid of the long-term campers. Their rate is high ($35), which is full hookups but there's no cable TV and I can only pick up two English-language channels, both CBS; all the rest are Spanish. When I asked if they had wifi, she said yes, we have Tengo, and gave me the password. However, that just took me to the sign up site, so this 24-hr period is $5 (also high; most places Tengo only charges $2). So it's a $40 park (the Elks is $25 w/60 cable channels). I'm going to join the Elks when I get back to Asheville (I have a sponsor).

Anyhow, I got to do a dump/flush and I'll take a shower in the morning. And at least with CBS, I should get Letterman's show and then Craig Ferguson (yay).

I heard from my brother this morning and he and Deb are headed to Tustin tomorrow. We were going to try to meet somewhere on the road. But when I talked to him this evening and told him where I am, he said they were leaving early enough to be in LA by noon, so they'll be past Santa Maria before I'm out of bed. I'll see them when they get back.


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