Monday, November 24, 2008

Pizza Hut Do

After a blissful day of doing nothing but taking a hot shower (double bliss) at the Lindas, we were off to Pizza Hut for the workamper dinner. Again, about 50 showed up, mostly the night shift folk. As before, I was sitting opposite Philip, the Amazon "Ambassador" for our group and his daughter. This time, Savannah (another Amazon Ambassador) came with her two daughters. I sat next to Roxanne and George, very nice folk. The food was okay (I had Chicken Milano) but they only had one waitress for the whole group so everything was slow. I bought the Lindas dinner in thanks for all the help they've given me.

I must say that all the people here in Kansas are very polite and smile a lot. They make eye contact and smile all the time. Now, not everybody is from Kansas, especially at Amazon, but good manners prevail. The percentage of blacks working at Amazon must be lower than 1%.

I wonder sometimes whether I'm lonely. I know I occasionally get bored. Since I went on the road I've had very little time to be lonely as I've gone from job to job with only 2 weeks at home, during which I wasn't lonely at all. In fact, quite the opposite and wish I could have had more of what I got while there. Oh well, I'll just look forward to March.

I do know that my packrat mind and penchant for trivia (and the sharing of it) startles folk some times. Certain conversational tics are beginning to make themselves known -- think I shall have to start working on my social skills and small talk. One is much more "on" when RVing as one is always meeting new people, and I do mean always.

Am I self-centered? Yes, I think so. Must try not to be too obvious about it. Good thing I have a sense of humor, including about myself. Right?

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