Monday, November 17, 2008

Wonderful Weekend

I got to do nothing. No walking miles and miles, no hauling around a 1-lb scanner on my hand, no slinging totes onto carts, no pushing carts, no stowing into bins. Ah, weekends are wonderful.

The Lindas and I did absolutely nothing on Sunday, no errands, no chores, Well, I did put up the TV antenna and actually watched some. Today Linda B and I did laundry and grocery shopping. I also fitted the lock to the surge protector so someone can't just walk off with it. Linda S and I also refitted the sewer line for a better flow. But there's been time to nap and watch TV and read.

The body, while not perfect (hah!), is rested up. The cramp in the left calf is better though not gone. The left knee went down some (but I still can't straighten it), as did the right ankle. I got a pair of Dr. Scholl's gel walking shoes and an insole made for hunters boots. This gives me two pairs to switch off. I also relaced both pairs so that nothing crosses the instep bone (which are really sore). And I've been told to eat bananas for the potassium, which I'm going to do. Okay, I'm decrepit, but I'm still moving.

Enough of that piddly shit, which will only last five more weeks. I'm beginning to have a little clarity about my character traits. I enjoyed the discussion of "being literal" from last week. Nobody said anything about "flexible," except that it's good (and I think the commenter meant physically). It's very difficult to look at oneself with detachment. The years have contributed facades and habits and veils that have to be discarded. So that's my goal now -- to gain a clear look at myself and my character traits. It may bore you but I'll enjoy it (maybe).


Anonymous said...

Help for being more flexible.

Wiggle your fingers and toes, arbitrarily or in patterns, for about 5 minutes every morning when you wake.

Don't rush. Just be consistent.

Once you've mastered that, move on to the arms and legs.

I promise, it'll help.

bmwloco (you know who)

imMovable Book Lady said...

Hey you know who (and I do),

I'll give it a try. The directions do remind of my mother's description of me as a baby just discovering my fingers and toes and being enraptured by them.

Anonymous said...

I read about the "fingers & toe" wiggle thing in the MIT Technology Review.

Thought, "heck, what the hell..." and gave it a try.

It's been part of my wake up ritual since, and golly, I feel better.

imMovable Book Lady said...

I tried it this a.m. but couldn't manage a full 5 min. I'll keep trying, though, and will report.