Friday, September 3, 2010

High Heat

is being warned for everywhere in Arizona -- except for where I am. Yah! Tucson and Phoenix et al are running in the 110 area; the highs here are mid 80s to upper 80s. Not bad at all.

Have had a day of rest so am planning a shower and a laundry day. Really nice to have both right here. The campground is about 1/3 to 1/2 full so it's nice and quiet. And have cable tv is nice, too -- get about 20 channels, except there's no PBS.

Both water hoses failed yesterday but the owner had an extra hose so eventually got hooked up. One camper tried to help out earlier by using channel locks to tighten the fittings, even after I told him not to tighten them so much I wouldn't be able to undo them. But, of course, he did, so I had to borrow the pliers and another person to help apply torque.

I've been happily goes through the old family photos my brother put on disk. I'm still getting used to the new iPhoto -- everything gets put into an "event" whether you want it to or not. I wound up making "event" equal a single date/day so they'll line up by the date taken. Now I have to change all the old photos from the date Orlando took the digital photo to the actual date of the photograph (like mom as a little girl circa 1929). Tedious but nice to have. Thanks, blala.

More later. Maybe some pics of the trip from Abq to here and this campground.

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