Friday, November 28, 2008

Shoes & Shifts & Stuff

The new shoes are still a work in progress. The 1st day was terrible with the fancy insoles w/arch supports. The 2nd day I put in the original insoles; still too much arch support. Today I wore the insoles for hunters boots and things were much better. My balance is getting better, too, and I don't feel quite as clumsy.

Today was Thanksgiving and we went to work at 8pm. Were sent home at 1:30, having worked through lunch. Good thing as I was running out of steam. Ate my turkey sandwich when I got home. Amazon gave us all pumpkin pies. Now we'll be on 5.30pm to 4am. Three weeks to go after this one.

Gorgeous weather for the past few days -- warm enough to open doors and vents (and sleep naked). Supposed to rain soon. Linda S gave me some quilted foil insulation stuff and I cut it to fit the cabover windows -- good insulation for both hot and cold.

Not much happening as it's work sleep work eat work sleep work eat. Days and nights blend into each other. Without a calendar I'd have no idea what day it is. Looking forward.


Anonymous said...

Hey Lindig, got my Amazon shipment today. Thought of you and hoping my order didn't cause you any extra work. It didn' came from Cal.I've been reading your posts, please don't punch some little old lady in the nose...unless the Lindas can bail you out. max

imMovable Book Lady said...

Hey Max.
You have no idea how many of these little old ladies I'd like to punch out or, at the very least, bitch-slap a few times. But I'm being good and refraining from any physical replies. And I'm sure the Lindas would bail me out, bless 'em. See you in Quartzite.