Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Lunch Outing

I was on Facebook yesterday and noted that Tom Trusnovic had commented on a friend's post. Now, Tom and I both worked at Reader's Corner, but he left Asheville (after I did) to return to Santa Fe. So he's been there all the time I've been in Abq. Who knew.

Anyhow, he was coming into the city today, so we got together and had lunch, at Salsa's Cafe on Coors Blvd. I can't tell you the name of what we had, but it was the Tuesday Special. And we both got "christmas" sauces (that's New Mexican for both red and green sauce).

He's just above to move to Austin Texas, so it was good to see each other. Naturally, I forgot to take a picture. Ah well.

Then I went grocery shopping. There's to be a BBQ here at the park on Saturday, so I got some hot dogs (for me to be grilled) and some pickled veges as a side dish. Will do the melding in a couple of days.

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