Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Oh the horror

I'm essentially without TV for the next two months. Will I survive?

Of course. I just won't be happy. Maybe I'll drag out my decoupage stuff and actually do something (gasp) creative.

JR has a satellite dish but nobody seems to know how to split the signal. He thinks you have to have the box from Direct TV and even then I'd only get whatever he's watching. Surely there's a way to do it. I mean, houses only have one dish but multiple TVs and users who don't all watch the same channel.

I can go over to his rig to watch CSI. Yah. And I can go over to Cabin 6 to watch anytime I want, but it's not the same as sitting in my own rig, channel tagging whenever I'm bored.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ahhh, but you will be warm without TV