Monday, August 17, 2009

Don't Know Much

At this point, I'm just waiting to hear from the travel centers job (asst. mgr). This would provide me a good living with perks for at least a year. I will still pursue the carnival job, which is what I really want.

Then there are the two KOA campground who've decided to hire someone else. But there's a KOA on the Mendocino coast who has expressed interest. And there's a snazzy hotel/RV park halfway between here and San Francisco which needs a part-time night auditor, another job I think I'd like and be good at.

So there are still possibilities. At this point, that's all they are.

Have been doing a little maintenance here and here -- rustoleum, sleeves for screws in the AC shroud, etc. Beginning to wind down grocery shopping so won't have much left over when it's time to go.

My brother may blow through here on the 26th. Be nice to see him.


Anonymous said...

Rustoleum is o.k., but if you want to fix it forever, POR-15.

Trust me. I love old VWs and Porsches. It works.

bmwloco (you know who)

imMovable Book Lady said...

True true, but rustoleum is available everywhere and POR-15 isn't. I had to order it by mail when I was still in Asheville.