Thursday, August 6, 2009

Fighting For It

A couple of ways to define this -- one is for the job I want. So far, the KOA near the Bay Area hired someone else; I'm to do a phone interview tomorrow with the travel center outfit; and I've had a response with questions from the job I really want (traveling with a carnival -- there, now you know). We'll see who comes up with an offer first.

Second definition is physical altercation (viz Joan and the camper). I was very surprised to learn that she'd never been in any sort of fight in her life. Is that usual? I started fighting in grade school, had a gang, and was a (mild) terror on the playground. I remember Ginny DeCover, my rival, insulting me, whereupon I picked her up by her throat and banged her against the brick wall of the school. All during school I got into scrapes, usually minor, but involving some hitting and kicking. So I've never been afraid of physical violence.

One of my favorite stories from high school was the "knife fight" story. I was friends with a guy whose girlfriend was out of town. When she came back, she got jealous and challenged me to a knife fight. Pride demanded I agree, and so a time and place was set. Now, she was about 6'1" and weighed about 225 lbs, so I was nervous. Not only that, but I didn't own a knife so I went to her boyfriend (my friend) and borrowed a switchblade from him. After all this, she failed to show up.

I took kenpo karate for three years, and there's always (controlled) violence there. So being afraid of being hit or kicked isn't an option. One must learn how to respond and it isn't mindlessly violent. The older I get the less I feel the urge to violence. I don't even have violent dreams any more. Probably a good thing as the body doesn't have the capacity it did years ago. My preferred weapon now would be a baseball bat. Or maybe a cellphone to call the cops. But sometimes you just have to defend yourself -- and that's when "rules" go out the window and your aim should be to kill that person, whether you do or not -- that goal will let you use whatever means necessary. Use that adrenaline.


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