Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Full Story

There were a bunch of people here on a family reunion who paid no attention to the quiet hours in the park, meaning lots of folk around them had trouble sleeping. They also drank a lot and had arguments. So Kevin and Joan went to ask them to leave, Joan made some smart remark and one of the women got in her face and knocked her down onto the gravel, skinning her elbow and bouncing her head off the rocks.

Seems that Joan has never been in any sort of physical altercation before and so was totally shaken up. Couldn't work her shift last night so Kylie came to work for her. Kevin said too bad it was a woman as he really wanted to hit her for attacking Joan.

The people got their refunds and left, after the sheriff said they better go and not come back as it would be trespassing.

Now they have to deal with the folks staying in a tent site, whose drunken teenagers rampage around after quiet hours. They were asked to be quiet one night, after which they went into the bathhouse and clogged all the toilets and put grafitti on the wall.

Yes, we love our customers, yes we do.


Anonymous said...

well, that sure sounds exciting

. said...

You'd have given anybody that effed with you a mean left hook and knocked their ass to the ground, man, what I'd give for that on video.