Saturday, March 27, 2010

Thu & Fri 3/25-26

Well, I've applied to some more jobs. One is assistant manager at a small RV park in Tucson, working two days a week for site and a small wage. Sounds good. We'll see if I get it. Supposedly it could work into more hours. But at least it would be a good stopgap.

Update Fri 1pm -- The manager called. She thoroughly enjoyed my resume but they really want a couple as they're so busy, esp. in the winter, that even for just two days they need two people. So, that's that.

Poor Sandra Bullock. I like her.

If I head toward Albuquerque from here, I'm going to do some sightseeing on the way. There's a few sites I haven't checked out (like the Malpais, a huge lava flow).

Forecast for Friday afternoon is for high winds (sustained 35-45, gusts to 60) and zero visibility with blowing dust. In other words, a sandstorm, a ghibli. Will be cooler after (high 60 or so) for a couple of days, and then back up into the low 70s. El Paso almost hit 80 yesterday. Just hope it doesn't blow me and Ghibli away. Fortunately, being sited east/west means the broad sides don't get the full brunt of the weather, but I expect I'll be rocking and rolling. It also means I'll have to keep the vents and door shut to keep out as much dirt as possible; I'll just sweat it out.

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