Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Sunday 12/6

Sunday 12-6 4pm

So I hooked up the water splitter after disconnecting our jerry-rigged connection. Reconnected their rig. Added my second hose to my hose and ran it behind their rig so they can go out and in without running over it. Put foam insulation on my extended hose. Turned water on. All good.

Tested the sewer line but it still had some ice in it (about 1pm) so I went inside to wait for an hour or so. Came out about 2 or 2.30 and closed the gray water valve. Unhooked the old sewer line and walked all the water down the line. Hooked both new lines together to make the 20 ft line, got it screwed into the waste pipe. Took the transparent connector from the old line and put it on the new one (so I can see what's happening and when it runs clear). Connected the new line to the rig. Opened the gray tank valve.

Now came the attempt to make it flow properly. I discovered that my hose reel will stand on edge and the line can rest in it and it's almost as tall as the waste pipe. I let the first 10 ft droop so the tanks would empty and then used the cradles to gently go up. I'll still have to walk it when doing the black tank, but at least it'll flow out of the tank into the line halfway and I'll walk it from there. I only need to empty the black tank about once a week, takes about 10 minutes, so no big deal to add a few minutes to walk it all away.

Then I went to the house and took a shower. It's really nice to be able to raise my arms over my head. So I'm feeling both clean and virtuous.

Have started number 4 in Lilith Saintcrow's "Jill Kismet" series, Flesh Circus. She's one of the best of the paranormal writers, and I like this series better than her Dante Valentine series of a few years back. She's written the first in a new series that's not paranormal but is what you might call sword and sorcery; I really enjoyed it and am waiting for the next one.

Also picked up Anathem by Neal Stephenson. I absolutely loved his Snow Crash (and have finally found a pb of it to re-read at some point). Anathem is a huge book so I'll have to be in the just the right mood when I start it.

I started Mary Gentle's "Ilario" a while ago (about a hermaphrodite in a sorcerous alternate history) and never got back to it, but it's niggling around in the back of my brain, so I may pick it up again soon. Fabulous writer. Definitely for non-squeamish adults.

It was warm enough today to have the door open for a couple of hours. Nice, after being 20 the other night.

Work from 10-5 tomorrow.

PS Have discovered that RTV channel is all old series. Turned it on just now and found it was playing Airwolf. I loved that show. Great helicopter flying. And Ernie Borgnine got to chew the scenery some, since Jan Michael Vincent isn't one of the world's best actors. Too bad JMV messed his life up so badly.

PPS Just watched NCIS: LA for the first time. Now, NCIS is one of my favorite shows and I generally don't like spinoffs. This one is pretty funny in that it's way more outrageous than the original. Hooray for Linda Hunt, though, who brings force to the show (I guess she's the Mark Harmon character). The hacker genius is a hoot, too. LL Cool J is fine, though not much of an actor. His partner is okay. The obligatory beautiful woman is okay. The main problem is their "office," which seems to be some vast Spanish hacienda (I mean, really, does NCIS work out of a place like that?), and the silly plot about a hijacked missile. So, tolerable but not compelling.

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