Instead of having today off, I have to work today and tomorrow and then have Friday off, work Sat., have Sunday off. I hate split days off. But, as of Fri. I go down to 5 hour shifts. Yah!
Had a big thunderstorm yesterday, first since I've been here. Rolled up from the southwest, moving northeast across the state. Expected to dump snow above the 9000ft level (we're at 4300 so no worries). Brought cooler weather in its wake, so we'll have about 70 day and 50 night -- not bad at all.
I wished I had my camera with me at work because there were some wonderful vistas with mountains limned against towering dark clouds with a small clear spot tinged with pink and orange and red from the setting sun. Very dramatic.
Won't be back online until Fri., I guess, when I'll walk down to the Apache Cafe. See y'all then.
Saturday 10-24 7am
Went to town yesterday and shipped some goodies and some books. Mary-Anne will take the books to DBN and sell them for me (it's one of the few that pays cash, reasonable cash; Bookman's in Tucson would give me $53 for credit or $11 cash, whereas DBN would give half the credit amount in cash).
Anyhow, went to town. Got my hairs cut. It's still really really short but at least it's all evened up now. Instead of looking like a fuzzy cueball, I look like a Roman senator (ala Richard Burton). I'll have to wear some makeup and jewelry to keep from looking like a stern male taskmaster or a retired football linebacker.
Did a little shopping, got some more flannel pjs (same pattern different color so can mix and match with the ones I got last time).
On the way to town, I turned south on Stirrup Road to check out Rockhound State park and Spring Canyon State Park. About 6 miles in I saw a bunch of RVs etc parked on the foot of some low hills (Rockhound S.P.) and continued on toward Spring Canyon, which sounded more enticing. Then I saw a sign for a 17% grade, looked ahead and saw a narrow 2-lane road snaking up the side of a mountain and disappearing over a steep crest. Debated but thought not, so turned around. 4-cylinder engine towing 5000 lbs would probably do it but at a walking pace and working hard. Best not. So prudent of me.
On the way back, saw Rockhound Road, with a sign for Deming, so turned west and followed the straight and flat road to the south side of town and went north to Pine St., the main drag.
My great adventure for the day. Nothing I wanted to stop to photograph. Of course, it was midday so the light was all wrong for good shots in the desert. I hope to get out in the pecan orchard before I leave, and with the extra rest now, I may have the energy to do so. I did take a picture out my main window (looking north). Not a terrible view -- I could be looking at the back of the store or at I-10 and the trucks whizzing by.
Go to work at 2.30 today and have tomorrow off. Plan to walk down to the Apache Cafe. Thought about stopping on the way back, but decided not, just to give the pains a longer time to subside.