Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Sept 18

5.30 am.
Have decided to break the trip up a little by stopping at the WM in Deming to sleep and stock up on groceries in the morning (that will be Tuesday). Then I'll go on to Akela Flats and have the rest of the day to get set up and relax a little before starting work on Wed.

Travis and Micah are going to go check out The Thing store etc. If they really don't like it, they're going to try to stay here. They have two kids (well, she has two kids), one in school, and it would be a hassle to uproot him. Also, they live in a trailer so have to pack up everything in boxes to move. I don't think I'd want to work at The Thing either (one of those major tourist trap places ("You Must See The Thing!), but Benson AZ is a pretty nice little town.

Interesting pair, both from the Reno area originally. They've been together about a year and a half (the little girl is two, so she's not Travis' daughter). Chuck thinks Micah may be on something (he thinks meth, I think cocaine). The pattern is that just before payday she gets grouchy and slow, and just after payday she's all bright and speedy. This is all hearsay as I haven't been here long enough to see the pattern.

I do know that I'd hate to have to work with her much. She's so speedy I can't understand her speech half the time and she zips about with little rhyme or reason. Maybe it's pure ADHD. Of course, Travis talks so fast I have to ask him to repeat himself a lot. She's short and skinny; he's tall and skinny.

Talked to Beth last night. Unfortunately, she's busy on Sunday day so I won't go to her house until 5pm. We'll go eat Chinese and talk away the hours. It's been 22 years since we've seen each other. I'll take Sun. afternoon to leave here and go to Home Depot to return the extra roll of foil insulation.

Am reading Trick of the Light by Rob Thurman and really enjoying it. It's a paranormal but way better than most. The characters are well thought out and presented. The plot, while it has many traditional elements of the genre, has enough original points so it isn't boring or too predictable. And while it ranges over human history/mythology, it isn't preachy or showy (though the author has clearly done her homework). It's first in a series: the Trickster novels, and if you like the trickster figure in all mythologies, you'll most likely enjoy this book.

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