Friday, January 15, 2010

Thu 1/14

Thursday 1/14 8pm

Corporations are so weird. We have a category of goods called AQ, which is native american-made stuff like jewelry, dream catchers, etc. I found a couple of items elsewhere in the store to use in displaying some jewelry and it had to be taken away as nothing but AQ can be in the AQ cases. So weird.

The store has been readied for the big annual inventory and we aren't supposed to move anything between now and Monday, when the inventory team will descend on us. I'll be off that day so Kenn will be on (that's why I worked today). Better him than me.

Even so, Caleb and I had to do the normal inventories today -- he did t-shirts and I did leather garments. Boring.

I now know that he was a goth in high school, was heavily into black metal and a "church of the vampire," with accompanying tattoos, was a tagger, and more. He likes to talk to me -- or maybe anybody, for all I know. His wife, who is active military, may be deployed to Afghanistan soon, and there's some hassle about him taking the two children. She's reluctant for him to have them, based on no evidence (at least from his point of view).

High winds this evening. I've put the TV antenna down. Earlier today, I could see it was snowing in the Sacramento Mtns and I thought about getting a picture but decided the effect was too subtle to catch easily.

Am going to use the post office at La Luz, a small community between here and Tularosa. Then to town for a few necessities. May drop by the senior center, or may drop into the local pool hall downtown. Will also try to do the wifi thing.

A lot will depend on the weather and my achy bones.

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