Friday, January 15, 2010


Successfully shipped off five packages/boxes, all books but the busted light fixture. Then took La Luz Road all the way into town, instead of going back out to Hwy 70. New scenery!

Passed the Deutsch Schule. There's an outpost of the German Air Force here.

The road becomes Florida Ave. (flow RI dah) which is right where I wanted to go. Got gas at second cheapest place in town ($2.72), groceries at both Lowe's (meat) and Walmart (everything else), dropped stuff at thrift store. All that done, I headed for the Rustic Cafe --

where the waitress fucked up my order. First time that's happened. She's the one who flirts with all men, tolerates all women, wears enough makeup to properly call it "maquillage." So she doesn't really care. I hope she won't care about not getting a tip.

I may call Carol Bruce tomorrow or Sunday and see if she wants to go to the Petroglyphs area. I don't work again until Tuesday.

Am I getting sweeter with age? Maybe, maybe not. It's all relative, isn't it?

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