Monday, November 9, 2009

Saturday 11/7

Saturday 11/7 6.30am

Well! At least it was busy yesterday. I still didn't have a good money day but there were people in the store to talk to and help out. We've gotten a 25¢ table and things are flying off it. So the sales don't amount to much in toto.

I don't hurt nearly as much when I'm busy scurrying around; it's the standing that's the problem. And we did have some things to check in, price, and put out on the quarter table (one item was little ceramic western hats covered in glitter). You know about glitter, don't you? It gets everywhere. Just touch the little hats and your hands are covered in blue glitter.

I wish that guy who wanted the "widower's" ring would come back; I've found some here in the store that would fill the bill. He was looking for a wedding-band style ring but black, to indicate that he is a widower but not interested in being set-up with friends of friends etc. I hadn't heard of this before.

I see out my window that we have some clouds, nicely pink with dawn light. This is a major weather change from the same old same old blue cloudless sky. There's not supposed to be any rain with this cloud cover, and it'll still be in the mid-70s (about 10 deg. above normal). One of the main reasons I left Tucson after 14 years was the sameness of the weather -- boring boring.

Amusing incident yestereve. A customer (tall burly guy) saw our stuffed jackalope and began asking questions about it -- are they scarce? are they a mutation? do they damage crops? etc. Ryan was talking to him and soberly answered all these questions. Those of us who could hear were having a hard time not laughing out loud (customers, too). As soon as the guy left, we all laughed, including Ryan. One customer snorted, "Easterners!"

So I told him about growing up at the beach and people would come from inland (like New Mexico, Texas, the Midwest) and want to take some ocean home with them in a jar. We would carefully suggest they pour a little out so that when the tide came in, the jar wouldn't overflow. And they would carefully do so, put the lid on, and go home happy, leaving us laughing at "Inlanders!"

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