Thursday, November 26, 2009

Today (T-Day)

Hope everyone has a good holiday. I'm enjoying mine. Walked down to the Apache Cafe. Will have their T-Day buffet soon. Talked to my brother, who's in the process of transferring all 200+ of my music CDs to his iPod. I left them with him when in SF last May. Then he will find me an iPod and transfer them all to it and send it to me. Yah!

Will talk to Quinn Yarbro soon and get the latest newsletter issue ready to go out on Monday.

Oh right, comments from B. HazMat is short for Hazardous Materials -- which is pretty much any chemical or combustible, as far as I can tell.

The naked man -- heh heh -- is a wizened old coot who owns a used bookstore in Yuma AZ and works there naked, though I believe he's begun to wear a cock sheath. He's had the store for years and has been written up numerous times, sometimes nationally.

That's it, folks, until next Monday.

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