Monday, November 2, 2009

Thursday 10/29

Thursday 10-29

I'm so over these people here. There's no training; it's all piecemeal, casual statements. And offers of help are frequently turned down, unless I really push it. For instance, Leeann and Shane were talking about doing inventory on children's t-shirts and how Carol used to do them so Shane didn't have to. I said, you know, I could do that if you'd just show me what you want done. Silence. And then Leeann said, well, okay. So she showed me how and it took about two minutes to explain it and then I went and did it.

Rose has no sense of humor that I can discern. And she bustles about, breathing fast and sighing gustily. I said, is there anything you want me to do? Not right now, she said. So I stood around, listening to her frantically whipping around. She has to do a lot of the closing financial stuff I'm not yet permitted to do, but she also did the cleanup on the food things, that I do know how to do. Why? No idea. She also takes a lot of sales away from me, which is irritating. She seems to be competitive about it, which I'm not. Mary Lou is the only one who actually talks to me.

And I never hear anything when I do things right, just criticism or orders when I did something wrong.

It's beginning to feel like Crescent City, where I was a lump in the store with nothing to do. Kit, the VP of the organization, was in today, and I mentioned that i was really looking forward to moving to Alamogordo, and he assured me that Alfred was working on it. At least there I'll get to learn stuff, like all the reports that are due all the time, constant inventorying, etc.

Not happy. Starting to think about just quitting and finding something somewhere else. I heard that the new military budget cuts out some plane program that is a big deal at Holliman AFB at Alamogordo. No idea yet what effect it'll have.

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